Welcome to LINAC4 optics
LINAC4 photos
Controle points faisceaux Linac4 Civil engineering group
Controle position tunnel (DWG) Civil engineering group
Linac4 Civil engineering group
reseau_GC_1008 T.Dobers
ControlCalcNote ControlCalcNote_v2 Civil engineering parameters for LINAC4 M.Jones
Madx-macro conveter M.Esraqui (old version Madx-macro conveter.xlsm )
TRAVEL input file to converter(BHZ20), MADX output file from converter(BHZ20), Survey(BHZ20)
TRAVEL input file to converter(DUMP), MADX output file from converter(DUMP), Survey(BHZ20)
LINAC4 injection to PSB; compensation of edge focusing effects M.Scholz
BHZ20 for LINAC4, BHZ20 magnet measurements, BHZ20 beam profile
Update of the Linac4-PSB Transfer Line. A.L. L.H.
Quadrupole strengths A.Lombardi
Quadrupole design (and calibration curves) M.Buzio, S. Kasaei, L. Fiscarelli
The Linac4 Project Lombardi, Alessandra
For modifications to this page, please contact Olav Berrig